
Looking for the best deals to buy, getting growth in your portfolio in a short period of time?

We have 8 proven strategies that can work for you. Used in combination, these are powerful wealth creation tools.

Of primary importance is to buy in growth areas then add value and cashflow. Our experience in property buying over the last 27+ years ensures the deal works in your favour



Here's what our clients have to say

Hope Property Investing gets the best property

Luke showed through our new property that he found for us and then renovated at a ridiculous price.  We already have offers upwards of $450 / week rent. If you want to look into a property give Luke Taylor a message or ask me for his number.


He gets the best property and the most bang for your buck. Current capital growth at 8% and I borrowed at 3.99%


Luke and Amy Smith - Sydney

Ecstatic Client

I recently contracted Hope Property Investing to invest my family's money after being priced out of the Sydney market in 2015/6.

We purchased a place close to the Brisbane CBD, very close to the waterside and we have already got $50k+ equity in it straight after purchase and growing weekly as we bought at $135K under median price and demand is high for this area!

Peter Chapman - Sydney

Getting started in property investing with a trusted buyers agent

Thank you Luke for your help and advice in helping to build our portfolio strongly.
You took care of all the little details so we can focus on our own clients.
Looking forward to continuing to grow the portfolio 

David Sutherland - Sydney

HPI delivers another cashflow positive residential deal

Wow, incredible job. Thanks Hope Property Investing! Can’t believe the area you found me and the huge cashflow!
I’m excited.

Andrew - Sydney

Capital growth of Brisbane residential property near water

Awesome deals, looking forward to the next, thanks Luke!
We purchased 2 properties within 9 months with good capital-growth potential by the water suburbs.

One recent example:
Purchased a brick and tile property in October 2015 for $436,500, 3 bedroom plus extra rooms underneath, 30 minutes to Brisbane CBD and 3 minutes to waterside, rented at $600 per week, and now estimated value is $800,000+ as at Feb 2022

Thanks guys 

DC - Sydney